Next-generation quantum mechanics revolutionizes drug lead optimization.

QUELO is the world's best computational lead optimization solution

Powered by quantum, QUELO delivers the most accurate predictions for drug lead optimization. QUELO is more cost-effective than any other commercial offerings. Start using QUELO today to supercharge your discovery.

QUELO Experience


QUELO: Lead optimization at quantum accuracy

QUELO applies quantum mechanics directly to drug binding affinity predictions using free energy perturbation (FEP), enabling, for the first time, accurate simulation for systems with highly polarizable functional groups, charged ligands, metalloprotein targets, covalent binders, and RNA targets.

Quantum accuracy at an astonishing throughput

QUELO screens >25 ligands per day using quantum on eight L40S GPUs. By combining scientific breakthroughs, algorithmic innovation, and extraordinary software engineering, the computing cost of quantum mechanical simulation is no longer an obstacle!

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Next-Generation Quantum Mechanics Revolutionizes Drug Lead Optimization.